Thursday, December 10, 2009

PMIZ is another major Chinese project

The controversial Pacific Marine Industrial Zone project being developed at Vidar in Madang will be funded and developed by a Chinese company.
Major funding for the project will come from a concessional loan from ExIm Bank in China. Main condition for the loan is that 70% of the project must go exclusively to a Chinese company using Chinese technology, labor and equipment.
The name of the company has not been revealed but it is believed that the project will go to a major Chinese company already operating in PNG. Other companies including local PNG firms can only bid for the remaining 30% of the contract that is if it becomes available. Another condition tied to the loan is that the main contractor’s profit margin will be 20% of the contract value.
Two other Chinese companies have also been named inline with the PMIZ project although very little is known about both organizations. The first one is Shandong Fisheries Management Bureau (Shandong Haiyang Yuye Guanli Ju), and the Binhai City Xingfa Fisheries Group (Shandong Sheng Binhai Shi Xingfa Yuye Jituan).
Both companies have neither national nor international experience with Shandong being a provincial government level agency and Binhai City Zingfa Fisheries Group is a city or prefecture level company.
While the national government ministers have been promising spin-off businesses and contracts to local and landowner companies, the reality is that Papua New Guinean companies are likely to get very little. Contracts for ground clearing and fencing have been awarded to companies whose background has not been disclosed, beyond the fact that they are PNG owned. No information has been given as to who the ultimate owners are.
This is one of the main issues that are fueling opposition to the project. Locals who oppose the project believe that PNG government leaders behind the project are either completely ignorant about the arrangement or are benefiting from it.

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