Thursday, December 10, 2009

Riwo village battles effects of climate change

Until last year, rising sea level at Riwo village in Madang had threatened to wash away a significant part of the village. Directly in the path of the increasing water level was the Catholic Immaculate Conception Church which would have been damaged. However, the villagers, with the help of RD Tuna Cannery who supplied more than 200 empty 44 gallon drums, have erected a 100-meter sea wall reclaiming more than 20 meters of area that was under water. Work is still continuing to extend the sea wall along the waterfront to protect the rest of the village. Chairman of the Church Council Michael Kalal said the villagers are still seeking assistance to complete the sea wall project. Picture: Riwo Catholic Church chairman Michael Kalal explaining plans to develop the sea wall project.

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